- info@paddletostroke.com
- Ottawa West/Central/East
- (343) 254-9554
Home » About Us
Our focus is not only on learning to swim, but also teaching confidence around water. Our coaches are trained to work with children and adults to help ensure they believe in their progress and foster their swimming skills.
The benefits and advantages of swimming lessons
Swimming lessons are a valuable segment to include in a child’s lifestyle. Group or private swimming lessons help your paddler gain confidence being in the water while providing an entertaining and a healthy activity that your children can enjoy.
Adults that have limited swimming experience or have no experience can also benefit from swimming lessons as they have the same advantages.
Obtaining swimming lessons at a young age can significantly help children overcome the fear of water. Our swimming lessons will help you and your paddler gain confidence around pools and open water. With a peace of mind, you can sit back and watch your paddler confidently engage in social aquatic activities – whether that is a birthday pool party or an aquatic sport.
Aquatic safety, especially for young paddlers, is a key skill to acquire! Having comprehensive knowledge and confidence in water will provide you and your paddler the necessary skillset for security around water. Our coaches teach valuable lifesaving skills that can be utilized towards a safe, secure, and a fun time in water.
Why we do what we do
Learning how to swim is not just a sport or activity, but an important life skill! We strive to create an environment where not just our paddlers, but also parents feel part of a family. Paddle to Stroke’s vision is to help individuals and families to learn water safety skills and improve their swimming abilities. One family at a time, we plan to help communities feel safe in the water; whether they are in a pool or their favourite sandy beach!
Paddle to Stroke was founded by Poya Fallahdoust, a competitive swimmer of 15 years, nationally certified competitive swimming coach of over 10 years, lifeguard, and a visionary. With a degree in Psychology and a focus in Child Psychology, Poya implements proper communication strategies with paddlers into all programs to ensure instructions are clear and easy to understand for all learning styles.
With a combined experience of competitive swimming, coaching, a degree in Psychology, and a deep passion for teaching swimming Poya has created a program that allows paddlers of all ages to build their confidence, feel safe, and learn proper swimming technique. It is important to keep in mind; all of this is only possible through exciting and fun lessons!
That is our vision and goal! We hope to extend our positivity to you and invite you to experience being part of the Paddle to Stroke family!
Mon – Fri: 4-8:30pm
Saturday: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 10am-6pm
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